Nachmann Josef
Information we have from family members indicates that Nachmann Josef was born in 1850 and that Croyna was born in 1851. There is no official documentation to support that or the exact birthdate of their first born child, Khana. I've come across three possible dates: 1872, 1882, and 1878. We do know that the next child, Ralph, was born in 1884. Also, the ninth and last child of Khana and Nachmann Josef, Rose, was born in 1901, when Croyna (if she were born in 1851) would have been 50 years old.
It is also quite possible that the birth dates we have been given for Khana's children may not be exact. In any case, this is one thing that is not conclusive.
Estellesass (talk) 11:09, 18 June 2020 (MDT)EstellesassEstellesass (talk) 11:09, 18 June 2020 (MDT)